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Biology Prepared Microscope Slides
Close-up view of cell structures and organisms

Flower Reproduction System
▪ Lilium T.S Anthers
▪ Lilium T.S Pollen
▪ Lilium Bud T.S
▪ Lilium T.S Ovary Embryo
▪ Psamma Leaf T.S
▪ Lilium T.S Dehiscent
▪ Lilium T.S Meiosis
▪ Lilium T.S Meiotic
▪ Lily X.S Anther Pollen
▪ Aristolochia Birthwort
▪ Capsella Embryo Section
▪ Lily Ovary T.S
▪ Lily Ovary L.S
▪ Pteridophytes Fern
▪ Dryopoteris Root
▪ Mnium Antheridia
▪ Moss Protonema
▪ Selaginella Sporophyll
▪ Euglena
▪ Pinus Seed L.S
Human Digestive System
▪ Hydra Body Wall T.S
▪ Hydra Body Wall L.S
▪ Obelia Hydroid W.M
▪ Artery, Vein
▪ Artery, Vein X.S
▪ Mammal Colon, T.S
▪ Large Intestine
▪ Digestive System T.S
▪ Duodenum T.S
▪ Small Intestine T.S
▪ Oesophagus T.S
▪ Pyloric Stomach T.S
▪ Liver C.S
▪ Liver T.S
▪ Human Liver Sec
▪ Human Panceas Sec
▪ Thyroid Gland
▪ Human Ovary
▪ Trachea T.S
▪ Kidney T.S
Monocot Stem, Root and Leaf
▪ Elodea
▪ Triticum T.S
▪ Zea Stem T.S
▪ Zea Stem L.S
▪ Zea Mays Old Stem X.S
▪ Lilium Regales L.S Root
▪ Lilium Root Tip, Mitosis
▪ Allium L.S Root Tip
▪ Allium Root Apex
▪ Dendrobium Aerial
▪ Iris Root
▪ Zea Mays Root X.S
▪ Zea Mays Root T.S
▪ Aloe Leaf
▪ Potamogeton Leaf T.S
▪ Lilium T.S leaf
▪ Elodea Leaf
▪ Erica T.S Leaf
▪ Onion Bulb Epidermis
▪ Allium Epidermis W.M
Dicot Stem, Root and Leaf
▪ Cucurbita T.S
▪ Cucurbita L.S
▪ Helianthus Stem T.S
▪ Helianthus Young T.S
▪ Tilia T.S Annual Ring
▪ Tilia T.S Stem Young
▪ Nymphaea T.S Stem
▪ Phaseolus T.S Stem
▪ Clematis Vitalba
▪ Sambucus T.S Stem
▪ Vicia Root T.S
▪ Vicia Root L.S
▪ Ranunculus T.S Root
▪ Helianthus T.S Root
▪ Impatiens Leaf T.S
▪ Ficus Leaf T.S
▪ Hakae Leaf T.S
▪ Nymphaea Leaf T.S
▪ Tulipa Tulip W.M
▪ Nerium Leaf T.S
▪ Amoeba
▪ Fasciola T.S
▪ Fasciola W.M
▪ Cardiac Muscle LS
▪ Smooth Muscle Sec
▪ Striated Muscle
▪ Bone T.S
▪ Bone C.S
▪ Bone Marrow Sect
▪ Cuboidal Epithelium T.S
▪ Adipose Tissue
▪ Fibrous Tissue
▪ Elastic Tissue
▪ Connective Tissue
▪ Areolar Tissue
▪ Nerve Cells
▪ Mutipolar Cells
▪ Hair Follicle
▪ Amphibian Blood Film
▪ Rana Blood Smear
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